IREF would like to invite you to the 11th Annual Golf Outing!
Golf Outing Begins Saturday, August 12, 2023 at 10 AM (CDT).
Event Information
The 11th annual IREF Illinois Golf Outing returns on Saturday, August 12th at Bonnie Brook Golf Course. The Golf Outing is a scramble format and shotgun start. Registration begins at 9am with a 10am shotgun start.
Register online at or by emailing
Early bird discount is available until July 1.
August 12 is golf only. Details for the Shine Banquet dinner will be released soon.
Golf Information:
Registration begins at 9am
Shotgun start at 10am
Scramble format
Lunch on the go
Includes green fees and a cart
Contests and prizes
Live tournament scoring leaderboard
EARLY BIRD PRICING (until 7/1) – $50 per golfer or $200 per foursome
Pricing (after 7/1) – $65 per golfer or $260 per foursome
Hole in One Contest
This year the Hole in One contest is back! The first golfer to get a hole in one on the specified par 3 hole will win a $25,000 cash prize. The last time we did this, one of the golfers missed by 6 inches.
This could be your moment!
Note: All drives must be witnessed by a designated independent observer. Golfers ever having held any professional golf card are not eligible.
Have a question, email us at
Sponsorship Opportunities
Each year, the IREF Golf Outing is made possible through our event sponsors. Event sponsorship creates a unique opportunity for businesses to support the ministry of India Rural Evangelical Fellowship. This year, there are three options for event sponsorship:
- Hole Sponsorship ($250) – Includes at a designated hole
- Lunch Sponsorship ($500) – Includes signage at every hole and one foursome
- Event Sponsor ($1,000) – Includes signage at every hole, event brochure and one foursome
- Donate to the Golf Event
Please select a button below or email to become an event sponsor!